Tip number two is having a system in place for your communication frequency.

All right. So we’re back for tip number two.

I hope that over the past 24 hours, you’ve implemented that speed to lead practice. And it’s something that you started to put a little bit more attention on. And I’m confident that if you continue to do it, that you’ll start seeing some improvement.

Tip number two is having a system in place for your communication frequency.

We want to be the first one to contact them. And at the same time, not every single person’s going to answer. So if someone does not answer, then we have a standard in place. Then we call that person. We call text, email at least 20 times over the next 10 days.

We found is that even if they’ve went to see a house with another agent, most don’t follow up after that.

Now that person is back clicking “get more information” and meeting up with someone else.

We’re the best choice for them. So once we actually get a hold of someone, we put them through our process of what we call the laws of the pipeline.

To give you a little sample size of what that is, hot leads, we talk to at least once a week. If it’s a hot buyer you want to talk to them every single day. A hot seller is someone that’s looking to sell within the next 90 days. We want to talk to them at least once a week, because we know people’s timelines move, right?

A nurture is someone that’s looking to buy or sell, or do business with you in the next three to 12 months. That’s someone that we want to talk to at least twice a month.

Some one that is out 12 months or more is a watch lead. Watch leads, we want to talk to at least once a month. We know they’re going to do something and we want to stay in touch over time. This is what I mean by communication frequency and having a system in place for that.

Speed to lead, and communication frequency, you will increase your internet lead conversion.



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